3-Pack Finca La Estrella

Sale price Price $54.00 Regular price $16.00 Unit price  per 

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An extremely easy to drink coffee suitable at all times, but especially post-lunch. It acts as a mellow version of the Peruvian Finca Churupampa (no pun intended...see tasting notes). The acidity is almost non-detectable at first sip due to its smoothness and a subtle sweetness, while the finish is chocolatey and nutty. If you’re an afternoon coffee fan who all too often watches your cup sit idle drops to cooler temperatures, this is an excellent choice. The flavor will continue no matter the temperature. 


Country: Nicaragua
Region: Nueva Segovia
Latitude: 15.3201° N
Varieties: Catuai, Caturra, Bourbon
Roast: Medium 
Flavor: Dark Chocolate, Hazelnut, Marshmallow
Altitude: 3,700-5,600 ft.
Processing: Washed 






Sweet & Smooth