The Basics of the Coffee Supply Chain: This is Why We Are Different!

The coffee supply chain is a complex and intricate system that involves numerous steps and players before a cup of coffee ends up at your local cafe. Here's a breakdown of the journey that coffee takes from the farm to your favorite cafe in the United States.


1.) Coffee farms: Coffee is grown on small family-owned farms and large corporate-owned plantations in countries all around the world, with the majority of the world's coffee coming from countries in South America, Central America, and Africa. Coffee plants take about three to four years to mature and start producing coffee cherries, which contain the coffee beans.
One of the main reasons why we are a unique coffee company is because we own our very own specialty coffee farm called Finca La Familia, in Jayaque, El Salvador! 

2.) Harvesting and processing: Once the coffee cherries are ripe, they are harvested by hand or by machine. The beans are then extracted from the cherries through a process called wet or dry processing. Wet processing involves removing the outer layers of the cherry to reveal the beans, which are then fermented and washed. Dry processing involves leaving the cherries to dry in the sun before removing the outer layers and beans.


3.) Exporting and importing: After the beans have been processed, they are bagged and shipped to exporting countries, where they are purchased by importers. The United States is a major importer of coffee, with the majority of its coffee coming from Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam.

We conduct our primary exporting operations from our plant in Medellin, Colombia where our sister company, Amarella Cafe is located. They handle our sourcing, processing, logistics, and exportation. We currently serve customers all over the world from this location! 


4.) Roasting: Once the beans arrive in the United States, they are roasted by specialty coffee roasters, who carefully control the temperature and duration of the roasting process to bring out the desired flavors in the beans.


5.) Wholesale and distribution: Roasted beans are then sold to coffee shops, cafes, and other retail outlets through wholesale distributors. These distributors may also provide equipment, such as espresso machines and grinders, to the cafes that they serve.


6.) Preparation and serving: Finally, the roasted beans are ground and brewed by baristas at your local cafe, who use their skills and knowledge to create a perfect cup of coffee for you to enjoy.


The coffee supply chain is a fascinating and complex system that involves many different steps and players. From the small family-owned farms where coffee is grown to the skilled baristas who prepare it for us to enjoy, the journey of coffee from the farm to our local cafes is a testament to the hard work and dedication of people all around the world.

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